I was recently remind of a video that we had the opportunity to show in the Philippines. I came across this video again on youtube and wanted to share it here on my blog. That night we showed the video to around 30 youth, we saw God move in that place and touch each one of His children. So I encourage you, If you have a few minutes sit down and watch it. Even share it with your friends, it might just encourage someone.
You are His!! Remeber that and KNOW that!! You are loved, you are seated in heavenly places, a candle that can NOT be hidden. You are secured in christ, healed by his strips and covered by his blood. With christ you can do all things!! You can never be seperated from christ!!
Walk in your authority knowing that You Are HIS!!!
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When you leave a comment it seriously makes my day!! :D I'll get back to you as soon as I can!!! Sara-Jayne <3