Wednesday 31 December 2014

You've been crazy but you've been good... Twenty Fourteen!

If there's one thing I've learned in 2014 that is trust. Trusting God in the times when I'm in the great unknown and trusting him with even the little things in my life. All through my studies at YWAM, God was teaching me that he just wants relationship with me. He doesn't just want to be involved with the 'big' dramas that happen in my life, but he also wants to be involved with the little things, because he cares. Little things like going to get a cold drink on a hot summers day, even while I'm with my friends to even just watching a movie. By me realising how great His love is for me, I've become so much more closer to God.  My relationship has become stronger and now I know I can talk to Him all the time. Seriously! It's great!! I can have this constant conversation with God about absolutely anything.

But the biggest thing over 2014, especially over the last three months is my heart. My heart has grown so much towards God's children. I've seen God give me the heart to love those whom most people would just find it easier to walk past. God really relieved my heart one night as I was walking with a group of friends and we passed a homeless girl on the street. She looked my age which broke my heart. As I walked past her I really felt a tug on my heart. To walk back and give the food we had to her. So I did just that! I walked up to her and when she noticed that I was about to give her the food, the biggest yet most gentle smile was on her face. I sat with her for a few minutes. I really just felt to bless her and pray for her, so I did just that. By me just taking that step out from the crowd and turning back to where people were just passing this 19 year old girl by. I stopped and took time to show her the love of God. 

In that moment, that moment of just giving my attention to this beautiful girl, God started to do something in my heart (I also believe she was touched and continue to pray for her). It was then that God told me this was my destiny. To help those who society pushes to side. To be that encourager to girls and young women. To stand against the crowd, against the 'flow of life' and start to make a change. 

Now that twenty fifteen is just around the corner, I want to challenge myself to continue to dig deeper into God everyday. Because where I find God I find true love and it's God's love that this world needs. This life I'm living, I'm living for God and with Him. So bring on 2015!! I can't wait to see where God will take me next. 

I encourage you! Yes you! The one who is reading this. To live life with God and grow in the love God has for others. 

Sara-Jayne x

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